» Ebook The Teen Guide to World Domination Advice on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Awesomeness Josh Shipp 9780312641542 Books
Sally Rowland on Friday, May 31, 2019
Ebook The Teen Guide to World Domination Advice on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Awesomeness Josh Shipp 9780312641542 Books

Product details - Paperback 304 pages
- Publisher St. Martin's Griffin (August 17, 2010)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0312641540

The Teen Guide to World Domination Advice on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Awesomeness Josh Shipp 9780312641542 Books Reviews
- I read this with my 17-year-old daughter and my take on it was that I wish I'd heard all this when I was her age, but of course, there's nothing like hind-sight. Her take was not as positive, unfortunately, mainly because she didn't like the author's tone in which she felt he was condescending when, for example, he offers his insight on "dominating your own world," followed by the question, "Are you willing to dominate your own world? If you can't answer "yes," just shut the book, eBay it, and use the money to buy yourself an assortment of suckers because that's what you are, a sucker, and that's the way you're choosing to live your life. I hope you like the flavor."
Her feeling was that these follow-up lines may have been meant to be funny, but it was a turn-off to her. She is a sensitive young lady, who likes to take her time to ponder new ideas, so this style of push back just didn't work for her. I get others may not have the same reaction as my daughter, and while I did feel it was a tad pushy, I forgave Mr. Shipp, because I still think his insights and advice are very good. Like I said, I wish someone had told me this stuff at that age - would have saved me some of my early gray hairs - or maybe some of those I caused my mother back then!? - Bought this for my girls, ages 12-17 to read. I took the advice of another reviewer and placed a $20 bill as a bookmark.
I haven't read the book. My 17 year old said it is full of good information, but is written for younger kids. I have noticed that she is more appreciative and likely to help with household chores since she has read it. Next in line is my 14 year old. I'll write another review when she finishes. - I have 14 year old son who is very bright but generally would rather do pretty much anything other than read. I bought this book and without a word put it on his bedside table. Over the next two days he spent all his free time reading this book from cover to cover and when he was finished proceeded to tell me about how awesome it was. Two days later I walked into his usual disaster area room to find it immaculate, drawers and closet completely cleaned out and reorganized, various belongings put away, thrown away, or hung up. UNSOLICITED! Coincidence? I think not ;)
- Gift for teen brother
He loved it, even read it a second time. My brother spends most of his time playing computer games... So glad I got it for him. - Spoiler alert This book is about how to manage yourself and deal with the people and circumstances of your life in practical, positive and effective ways.
My grandson didn't consider reading his favorite pastime. (He likes reading now, partly thanks to this book!) He seldom expresses his enthusiasm, and, being a typical 12-year-old (well, actually a superfragilisticexpealidocious+ 12-year-old) he doesn't gush over gifts from grandma. He called me specifically to rave about how much this book reflected his feelings and life experiences and helped understand himself and others. He appreciated the author's sense of humor and down to earth approach. I also bought a copy for myself. After all, if one's grandson is going to be emperor one wants to know the etiquette and language of state; and even if he's just going to keep on growing into regular old manhood it was helpful to know my gift to him was appropriate and useful from my own point of view as well as his. I was surprised to find that a lot of the information would be useful for anyone. - My life for the last two years just somehow steered out of my once strong path. I use to have everything planned for me, always had something to do, and I was considered an overachiever with amazing grades/test scores. About two years later, I had accepted that I was going to hell and I hated everyone. My grades dropped and so did my happiness. During those one year and nine months of those two years, I had been able to keep myself going in order to get myself free, until one month I just cracked under all the misery. I had stopped trying to get myself to a good place, and I just wanted to let myself have a horrible life.
I decided to read this book, and for the first few pages I just was like, "This doesn't help me... Already know it... Bleh." then suddenly, I hit the part when he talks about villains in our lives, and the first villain he talks about are "Ghost," which is like bad memories coming to haunt you. I was in shock, like, "Oh my god, there is a name for that?!" because I had been dealing with ghost for that last two years nonstop. I had so many people telling me I'd fail, that I was a horrible person with no friends, I'd never do anything in life, and it stuck with me through these ghost, when all of it was untrue. I had let other people label me, which he also talks about.
The day I read this book was the day after three months of being absolutely angry (I had been doing really stupid stuff too, such as wandering around the streets at midnight) to being back to a girl who was willing to fight for herself. Got accepted in an amazing school, and I now deal with the villains in my life without fear.
READ THIS BOOK IF YOU WANT SUCCESS IN YOUR LIFE. It doesn't matter if you have issues in your life or not! It just is great for learning about basic people. - I gave it to my 14 year old son for his birthday and he found the authors sense of humor engaging enough to read the first 2 chapters that night.
- I’ve been reading this book with my son as he will be going into middle school and will be going through a lot of changes. This book is informative, easy to read, has humor and you can relate to it. I strongly recommend getting this!!!!