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Sally Rowland on Thursday, June 6, 2019
Download The Circle Maker Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears Mark Batterson 0025986346911 Books

Product details - Paperback 235 pages
- Publisher Zondervan; Expanded edition (December 6, 2016)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0310346916

The Circle Maker Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears Mark Batterson 0025986346911 Books Reviews
- GREAT concept.... but after a couple of years of it sitting on my shelf, I finally picked up this book when a really hard season of life hit. Mark Batterson details out numerous stories of God answering circled prayers... which is great. But the reality of this broken world is that we don't always see circled prayers answered... at least not how we wanted.
PLEASE PLEASE read John Eldredge's "Moving Mountains" after you've read this. The Circle Maker (to me) was like a plate full of sweet cake, but it left me craving steak. Within 10 pages of reading "Moving Mountains", I was in tears. It's great to be encouraged by others' testimonies, but we also need to understand the deeper workings of prayer - AND how to handle our hearts when our prayers aren't answered the way we hoped. - I first read this book four years ago and it has helped shape my prayer life ever since. First, Batterson is great about emphasizing how God is not a genie and our wish is not His command, but rather it's about finding out and praying the will of God for my life. Great insight into many areas of life are found in this book. I have found myself reading this at the beginning of each year as a way to reset my focus and prayers, and also looking back on the ones God has answered! I highly recommend this and often buy extras to give to people.
- This book is a new twist on the prosperity gospel at best. There is no Biblical foundation for his "new way of praying". There is no mention of circles in the Bible for prayer. It is more subtle. This author uses scripture out of context and stories out of context. The origin of chalk circles is well steeped in witchcraft and sorcery which Rodney Gypsy Smith knew very well. Circles drawn, often three clockwiseare patterns are used to conjure up spirits and demons. Honi was indeed a real man, revered by the same Jewish leaders who hated Jesus. He was hunted as a sorcerer and a practitioner of dark magik.
This book is not a book I would ever recommend and intertwines witchcraft with Biblical verses. I only read it as one of the Bible study groups decided to read this. Yes, they are aware of my thoughts on this book as a book for spiritual guidance. Remember how subtle the serpent was with Eve. - This book changed my prayers forever and my life. I've been praying to Jesus since I was 4. Lots to learn from this book but the one thing that still stays with me years later is simply this Think about who you are praying to Almighty God. This means all of those years of "please help" prayers were less than what God should be asked and those kinds of prayers diminish His Glory. The "circle" seems to have been Pastor Mark's signature from God, may not be the same for all of us. If we are watching closely we may see our own signature from God.
Almighty God should not be asked to "help" some situation, which to me does not give God His due respect. Almighty God should be asked to do thoroughly what we all know and believe God can do which is anything since He owns the Universe. Asking God to do less than He is capable of seems to me to be an insult. God can and will say no if His plan and Glory are not being increased. Asking for the best outcome shows our Faith, let God decide His answer and we will accept it, but never fail to ask.
Jesus even asked for the cup (crucifixion) to be taken from Him, and yet He knew that cup was why He was here in the first place, but He still asked because He knew the Father heard Him and could have done anything to save Him from that cup, to me that prayer in the garden is really how Jesus taught us to pray. Ask for what you want/need after all, thanks to Jesus we have been given the grace to talk to the Creator of the Universe, it's an immense privilege, let's not forget who we are praying to and this book brings that home.
This book increased my Faith and I've never prayed the way I used to before reading it. Highly recommended, read it more than once. - Ordered it because I knew of some others who had read it and recommended it. Cannot say I am a fan. Although Batterson says that this is not prosperity gospel, I fail to see the difference between what he says and the message of the prosperity gospel proponents.
Very little Scripture, and what is used is often pulled out of context. - My Pastor in Columbus, Ohio recommend our church read this book during a 40 day fast leading into Easter. I read the book at my leisure, since it was not broken down into a 40 day reading plan. However, I read the pages and REFLECTED. Then prayed. I was excited everytime I turned a page. I love how the author stuck to Biblical truth about God. This is not a genie in a bottle recipe. This book is a to remind you how to connect and align with the ONE God who knows it all and owns it all.
This is likely the longest review I have written on . I literally watched my prayer circles that I wrote down and prayed over come to past. And others I am sure God will reveal in His time. I have heard pastors preach about "yes". "no". and "maybe" answers to prayer. This book is a message that calls you to spend more time with God so your prayers are directed to uplifting the kingdom. Those prayers seem to lead more to "right prayer" going up with "right attitude" and "right expectations" once the answers arrive.
I will refrain from listing the major changes I have seen in my life this year (and still 6 months left in 2018). It is evident barriers and bondage was broke as prayer were asked and answered. Okay, I have said enough. Buy the book and more importantly TRUST God.
Romans 10 9-10 (-