» Download PDF The Mister E L James 9781984898326 Books
Sally Rowland on Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Download PDF The Mister E L James 9781984898326 Books

Product details - Paperback 512 pages
- Publisher Vintage (April 16, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1984898329

The Mister E L James 9781984898326 Books Reviews
- at least with 50 Shades, the characters were relatable and had dimension. The whole plot was dialogue driven thus getting to know the characters, in The Mister I could care less about our two main people. I don't know about them,and i don't want to from the little i do know. It took forever with NO enthusiasm just to get to the place where he hears her play the piano even though you know he has to find out eventually.....
Plot is tedious. Holy Shmoly I don't even care how it ends. - This book was terrible. The characters had absolutely NO depth. It jumped around all over place and was full of plot holes. There were so many opportunities given the author has not released anything in the past 10years, I would have expected this to be a well thought out book, with loveable characters. Do yourself a favour and don’t bother with this book.
- Where do I begin? Perhaps from the beginning? Alright, EL James was my very first read (and I mean i NEVER read books for fun or even when I had to for school). After reading the Fifty Shades Trilogy I was hooked on ROMANCE. So needles to say I AM A HUGE EL JAMES FAN and she got me started on reading romance!
I was so nervous to start reading this because I wasn't sure what to expect. It was NOT anything like I expected or didn't. I keep having to remind myself that this is not part of the fifty shades, it's a whole new..everything...and WHICH IT IS!! You can very much tell this is a EL JAMES book because of the writing, some words and the style. I have nothing to base this off of except as a NEW read, so it was rather shocking to me. This is VERY from the 3rd person narrated and you get both POV's. Younger heroine, age 23, older hero but not by too much. Maxim is a man of many talents, aside form being Earl of Travethick..photographer, DJ and a composer, among other things.
This to me aside from some IRONIC words used to reference fifty shades in the book, is a very MODERN PRIDE & PREJUDICE feel...with a twist. The ending about killed me, that was a rush! While reading you're constantly anxious to what will happen next. It's exhilarating. Edgy. Romantic. Stimulating. It grows on you. Just...beautiful.
I am rating this a 5 PLUS PLUS & HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! It is definitely making the TOP 2019 MUST READ list!
H A P P Y - R E A D I N G! - First of all, these characters were awful. There was absolutely no depth to them and no growth.
Maxim went from having an affair with his brothers widow two days after he died to all of a sudden being infatuated with his maid.
Alessia went from being this shy timid maid who knew nothing to this nympho.
The plot did not flow at all and skipped all over. Then the ding was just BAM, it’s done. Won’t be reading anymore of her books that’s for sure. - I had to read this one because it’s written by E L James. I enjoyed the 50 Shades trilogy. So, this one should be good, right? Not! The story is far-fetched and difficult to believe. A Lord, who is one of the most handsome eligible bachelors, falls for his maid who is an illegal immigrant that can barely speak English. The relationship is all about chemistry. The only thing they seem to have in common is their love of classical music. Just not very interesting or believable.
- When you live paycheck to paycheck, it’s a real splurge to spend $10 on a book. But oh the disappointment when the books stinks! This book was juvenile and unbelievable. I hated the way the font would change and how you never really knew who was “speaking†because it may be a paragraph in first person and the next page may be in third person. Save your money and reread Fifty Shades if you need to read something by EL James.
- I knew the author wasn't a great writer, but her 50 shades series had that certain something that would not let me leave one books unread. I just couldn't get enough of the main characters. In "The Mister," the authors lack of skill at story telling, is glaringly obvious. The plot is amateurish; the story preposterous and the writing juvenile. I picked up and put down this novel at least four times in one day. I just couldn't work up the interest to finish this book. It's going to collect dust as it slowly gets eaten by silverfish in my "to be read stack (TBR).
- Lacked the character depth, plot twists, and scene development that made us all fall in love with the Fifty Shades series. I left the book feeling very little respect for the main characters, not to mention couldn’t relate with them at all.