» Download PDF Ottoman Odyssey Travels Through a Lost Empire eBook Alev Scott
Sally Rowland on Thursday, May 23, 2019
Download PDF Ottoman Odyssey Travels Through a Lost Empire eBook Alev Scott

Product details - File Size 5363 KB
- Print Length 315 pages
- Publisher Pegasus Books; 1 edition (May 7, 2019)
- Publication Date May 7, 2019
- Language English

Ottoman Odyssey Travels Through a Lost Empire eBook Alev Scott Reviews
- Another reviewer criticised this book for a couple of historical inaccuracies. And although the author states blandly (page 120) that she did research for the book (as she should), the inaccuracies do not detract from the otherwise well-written and, more importantly, interesting book if one is interested in the Ottoman empire that straddles not just Turkey but eastwards and west.
Many former Ottoman cities outside Turkey remain an attraction to the Turkey. 'Much more than Mostar, Sarajevo's Old Town is a little Turkey, at least in the heady months of summer. On every street in the Old City, I could hear the Turkish spoken by tourists flown in from Istanbul by the national carrier airline on heavily subsidized flights' (page 139)
This book, on the whole, is a combination of a travelogue, biography, and history, and it is this lovely mix, written by a writer who has a deep personal longing to understand the heritage of her past and that of her Turkish roots.