» Download PDF Guitar Fretboard Memorize The Fretboard In Less Than 24 Hours 35+ Tips And Exercises Included edition by Guitar Head Arts Photography eBooks
Sally Rowland on Friday, June 7, 2019
Download PDF Guitar Fretboard Memorize The Fretboard In Less Than 24 Hours 35+ Tips And Exercises Included edition by Guitar Head Arts Photography eBooks

Product details - File Size 8923 KB
- Print Length 58 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
- Publisher Newcos; 2 edition (May 10, 2018)
- Publication Date May 10, 2018
- Language English
- ASIN B07D18S71W

Guitar Fretboard Memorize The Fretboard In Less Than 24 Hours 35+ Tips And Exercises Included edition by Guitar Head Arts Photography eBooks Reviews
- I've been a self-taught guitar player for 50 years. As such, my approach has been to learn the chords of a song and then play them. But my knowledge pretty much ended there, and I needed something to get me to the next level. I tried numerous online courses and videos, and while some were interesting, they all seemed to jump into picking exercises, CAGED shapes, and jumped all around the topic of guitar playing.
It seems there are two concepts that every guitar player needs to know if they want to progress with the instrument The fretboard and the root, third and fifth of every scale. This book is focused on the first concept only, and as such, does an admirable job. Too many instructors seem to pass quickly over knowledge of the fingerboard and the exercises needed to learn it. That's a shame. Being able to immediately find a note, means it's easy to transpose chords to fit.
I purchased many guitar books (a lot from !) that I read a bit and then put aside. This one I read from cover to cover, and am applying its exercises and mnemonics. This one has earned a place near my guitar! - I've been playing guitar by ear for a long time. Whenever I get together with my buddies to jam they throw around keys changes and I cannot keep up. I have so many books on guitar it's ridiculous. When I bought this book I thought it would be a stupid gimmick. I bought it to add to my collection of difficult to follow guitar instruction books. SURPRISE!!! It was easy to follow, it made sense, and with a bit of practice, I am able to name every note on the fretboard!! Kudos to the author! It's as if guitarhead wrote this book for me. The games and tricks are what did it for me.
- I’ve been playing (picking on a) guitar for well over 40 years and never learned to read music or it’s theory. This has always been a stumbling block for me when trying to play with advanced performers. This book helped me quickly realize and understand patterns where so many others have left me scratching my head.
- The memory aids were a big help to memorizing the Low E, high E, and the A string. Using the "L Rule" and the "Claw" to teach the G and the D strings, pure genius. My guitar teacher told me to pay attention to patterns but never explained what that meant. This book does exactly that!!! Chapter 8 is loaded with patterns if you know what to look for, and now I do thanks to this book. Simply the best guitar book I have purchased.
- Memorization is a stretch. The book is based on relationships between strings and octaves. So after reading the book and doing the exercises, you’ll be able to derive any note on the fretboard, but not necessarily instantly know it.
Still gave the book 4 stars as I learned some interval relationships / patterns that I didn’t previously know. And understanding intervals / patterns between strings is still important for playing chords, melodies, and solos, so even if it doesn’t deliver on memorization, the material is still useful and definitely worth the price. - The content of this little book delivers on the promise of its title. Easy to follow and well thought through. Yes, there are typos and the grammar could be better. I wasn't looking for a text on grammar. One note the reverse L position is a 3-string jump, not 2.
- I am 67 and learning the guitar. Found book to easy to follow with good pictures. Thanks
- An introduction to the fretboard at a basic level. And though this book is thorough in what it does explain no-one will ever 'know' the fretboard in 24 hours and be capable of playing at any tempo at any position on the neck. I could no doubt memorize the piano keyboard but that wouldn't make me a pianist. You would be better prepared for what lies ahead if encouraged to get used to a routine of daily practice for the guitar is a lifetimes endeavor, especially if you aspire to play professionally, Segovia for instance practiced 8 hours a day even at 75. I expected more from this book than just note memorization and a brief reference to interval relationships. But the information is well presented for what it is so no doubt other books will address what this one didn't as the development of your playing skills and the application of this knowledge will have to come from elsewhere.